Thursday, 28 February 2008

50 Years of Helvetica - 1967

The poster is 50x50cm and represents THE cultural event of 1967, the release on 1st June of The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". And the symbols are just for a close up from on the poster as they are rather schweet!!!

Monday, 18 February 2008

Recent Work...

Here's a few updated things and a bit of new work. The revised CODE OF CONDUCT poster, decided to do it all CAPS and make the layout more blockier to make it seem more like a real old-school london transport poster, i think it gives it more authority, although i'm still not entirely sure about the pt sizes.

the updated tony blair poster, still in caps but better revised and hopefully the final version, however i need to see a printed version to be sure at various scales. i think i did a pretty good job on the h&j's for this and i'm pleased with the overall finish. pushed it to the edge then brought it back one when it broke.

then just more sketches in the development of my font for the space opera book series, just working out on paper more finalised ideas before i put them into fontographer. still unsure about what kind of 'a' to have and whether to have square or rounded line ends.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

My New Font

Here are the beginnings of sketches for a DIN inspired font to use on the book cover project, for chapter headings and a paper slip/tube for title/author etc.. A continuous line width, using square terminals and rounded corners with an extended flared motif, sort of like a serif, but not...

Milk To Spoon

More drawings in development of a series of logos to be used on a hot drinks vending machine, currently focussed on the milk and sugar logos having conquered the teabag...i have chosen the cow to represent milk with a droplet within the body above the udder. Spoon for sugar, angular to remain in keeping with the overall visual style of the set.

More Blair...

This works much better in CAPS, the uniformity of the lines makes the layout much easier to sort out. However i have since learnt about H&Js so i need to make some adjustments to perfect the fabric of the text.